In our 1 on 1 sessions we get to know our clients well, so we can help individualize their weekly menu plans, to help them overcome any obstacles they may face that week. We prepare our clients to become their own nutritionist and make wise choices.

We encourage realistic, simple steps and break things down towards the big goal that brings long-lasting results. With our techniques and encouragement, we help our clients practice skills to push out of their comfort zone while they feel calm and supported.

Practice makes progress! When implementing our custom menu plans which keeps our clients focused along the way, we prove that hard work pays off. It’s a stress less, weigh less attitude!
We believe in EVERYONE! You can do it!
Today’s fast-paced world is surrounded by processed and chemical-based foods that are designed to support a busy lifestyle. These fast foods and living an unhealthy lifestyle have devastated the health and physical fitness. Fit with Fay, founded by Faigy Fink, strives to mentor and coach people to cope with their health challenges by working with their unique individuality and preferences.
At Fit with Fay, every client gets a one-on-one session and skillful training to make the best and proper health choices in a stress-free and judgment-free way. We are determined to give confidence to our clients to succeed without being perfect, and practice the plan to make progress. Our team knows that food is a joy of life, and we help our clients navigate that through encouragement, support and top tools. With a realistic vision to eradicate emotional eating, Faigy’s highest priority with her clients is to make dieting a lifestyle approach in the most balanced and effective way. Our powerful approach proves success through our amazing maintenance record, long after our clients reach their goals.
With our endless patience at FitwithFay, we strive to give over the skills to lead a nutritional lifestyle. We believe in the PLUS! Power + Positivity + Patience = Results. Our exclusive support groups, motivational conference calls and events teach the importance of adding in the good stuff to keep going, and not depriving yourself of lifes enjoyments.

Get FIT?
Fit with Fay is constantly motivating individuals through our exceptional physical activity sessions that keeps everyone wanting more. Our dedicated trainers encourage your hidden potentials to defy all odds in the way of your health goals and create positive energy to take away stress. With our exclusive T5 training methods we train, tighten, tone and get you trimmed TODAY! We believe in helping our clients take positive steps towards their desired fitness goals. This has led us to win the trust of thousands of clients throughout the years.

“Food is a joy of life”
We navigate your journey through health & happiness!